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Norfolk Public Schools inspires, engages, and empowers learners to actively use technology resources to question, collaborate and extend their learning beyond the classroom walls. Through child-led inquiry, analysis, creating and sharing, students develop the skills necessary to thrive in a connected global environment.


Trish Kelley

Technology Director

Robin Tucceri

Technology Integration Specialist
508-528-1266 x 1303 

Rafael Sardi

District IT
508-528-1225 x 1204

Mark Pizzi

District IT
508-541-5475 x 2225

Technology Goal

The goal of the Norfolk Public Schools Technology Team is to inspire, engage, and empower learners to actively use technology resources to question, collaborate and extend their learning beyond the classroom walls.  Through child-led inquiry, analysis, creating and sharing, students develop the skills necessary to thrive in a connected global environment.

According to the U.S. Department of Labor report titled “ Future Work Trends and Challenges for Work in the 21st Century” 65% of today’s grade school kids will end up at a job that has yet to be invented.

The NPS Technology Team acknowledges this challenge by inspiring our students to be future-ready storytellers, problem solvers, creators, and collaborators. Our thoughtful approach works to bridge technology with all content areas. The NPS Technology Team delivers technology instruction based on the 4C’s of the 21st century skills: communication, collaboration, critical thinking and creative problem solving.  

Whether a student is a musician, budding coder, or mathematician, we collaborate and create learning environments that are educational and captivating. Students have opportunities to intertwine the core curriculum with technology by coding, programming, presenting with green screen, constructing interactive art displays, and assembling interactive book trailers, just to name a few.  All of our students are exposed to low tech, no tech, and high tech options to help them raise awareness, take action, drive change and start a conversation.

We also continue to actively support staff through professional learning opportunities. The NPS Technology Team offers technology-infused PD and workshops which allow staff time to experiment, invent, collaborate and communicate with all of the district technology tools.  The professional learning sessions demonstrate how to leverage new educational tech tools to personalize learning, encourage collaboration, and prepare students for the future. Participants have the opportunity to choose from a variety of offerings including workshops on Google Classroom, Green Screen, SeeSaw, FlipGrid, Pear Deck, Makerspace, Presentation Tools, Digital Citizenship as well as many of our low tech no tech tools.

In summary, the NPS Technology Team will continue to strive to meet our goal of creating rich and engaging learning experiences that prepare students to thrive in a rapidly changing, global environment.

Trish Kelley
Director of Technology