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SEL (Social/Emotional/Learning)

Social Emotional Learning Programs

In the Norfolk Public Schools we believe that students social/emotional development is a critical component of their educational experience. Research consistently demonstrates that safe, caring classroom communities are essential for promoting strong academic achievement and supporting students’ development of 21st century skills such as communication, collaboration, critical thinking and creativity.  

We use the Second Step and Open Circle programs to teach students strategies for managing emotions, developing healthy relationships and solving social problems productively. Students learn to respect people’s individual differences and to work collaboratively as a learning community. Students also learn about bullying prevention, effective conflict resolution and digital citizenship through our SEL programs.

Below, you will find links to information about our Social Emotional Programs (SEL) - Second Step (3-6) and Open Circle (K-2).

INFOrmation about open circle

INformation about second step

extended sel lessons HOD & FK